Jordan Logue

Announcing the Jordan Logue Blog

In Uncategorized on June 21, 2011 at 2:14 pm

I have just received the final proof copy of my debut novel One Fiddle Too Many, and if I knew what I was doing here, I would be able to underline the title as I was taught to in high school.  As soon as I confirm it as error-free, (a relative term in the world of publishing) it will be available for purchase on as well as my very own e-store, a concept that I must confess thus far eludes me.  However, I am assured by the non-people guiding me through the publishing process, that I will develop a grasp of it as I mature in my web presence. The book will be published in paperback as will be available at the heard-of price of $14.99. I will post a link for it as soon as it is ready. I hope you will buy a copy and enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I am a little more than halfway through with my second novel which is also a historically based murder mystery set in Jacksonville, again featuring Detective Lambert Van Poole.

In addition to writing about my writing and selling my books, I will use this forum to write about things that are really important to me: Beer, sandwiches, bluegrass music, cigars, pipes and pipe tobacco, lutherie, blacksmithing, cocktails, post and beam construction, fly-tying, torpedo grass cultivation and maybe, just maybe, an occasional mention of politics and other local goings-on.

I intend to have guest columnists post in my absence or in the rare case that I may lack some particular knowledge about a current event. For example the renowned economist and business expert Julius Carstairs-Entwistle will be a regular feature with his musings and reflections. There will also be the LVP corner where the continuing drama in the life of Detective Lambert Van Poole will appear as short stories.

If you are an experienced blogger or blog reader you might have picked on the clue that I have no idea what I am doing. I will eventually figure it out, but I am in no particular hurry.  Tags, widgets and other things have all taken on new meanings with which I shall no doubt struggle for a time. I will figure it out about the same time the world moves on to complicate the daylights out of something else.

  1. Welcome to blogging. I will check back often until my hunger for sandwich-themed blog posts is sated.

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