Jordan Logue

Archive for the ‘Van Poole’s Corner’ Category

What is Van Poole up to?

In Van Poole's Corner on February 15, 2015 at 1:53 pm

A lot of people are asking when the third Lambert Van Poole adventure will come out. It won’t be long. I have a little tidying up to do, then it goes into the editing process, in which I voluntarily ask people to demonstrate how they are so much smarter than I. It’s a little like volunteering for the dunking booth when there is no charitable beneficiary. People just really want to see you land in a tank of cold water.

But, enough of that; people want to know about Lambert, not me. Well, sometime between the second and third book, Lambert and Lily get married. I wanted it to happen between books so that I would not have to deal with it. And, Jacksonville gets a new police chief. Let’s face it, Chief Cooper was old, and even with some literary license, was not going to make it much longer. The new guy, a college educated military man, is somewhat gullible and a little out of his element. I don’t want to give away too much.

So for the third novel, we take a leap forward in time. (You see? Cooper would never have made it.) It is May, 1914, and the United Confederate Veterans are having their annual reunion in Jacksonville. This really happened, and you see a video highlights reel of it. Really. I don’t know how to do links and all that complicated stuff, but if you search for 1914 Confederate Veteran’s Reunion, you will find a video. It’s about 12 to 15 minutes long. I think you can find on the Jacksonville Historic Society website also. So Van Poole and the new chief are involved solving a murder, busting up a moonshine ring, and keeping conmen from relieving visitors to Jacksonville of all their earthly possessions. There is also a brothel, a pesky little juvenile delinquent and some civil war church looting thrown in as well.

It is hard to predict a time frame, but I would hope to have this out in the next four months or so. The working title is A Deadly Reunion. Don’t forget about One Fiddle Too Many and Swindler’s Paradise. Both books are still available at and probably at Chamblin’s Bookmine. If I were smart I would be able to put links right here so that you could buy them right from me. But, I’m not. If anybody wants to train me in how to do that, there is always the hope that I can still learn something new.

Swindler’s Paradise: What the critics are saying

In Van Poole's Corner on November 4, 2014 at 3:38 pm

My second novel, Swindler’s Paradise has met with critical acclaim from several corners, primarily the corner of my dining room where several boxes of the book are stacked. One particular critic has chosen to go beyond the standard book review and has entered a critique of my entire volume of work. Arnaud du Potash who writes in the Footlick Literary Monitor in Snakeblood, South Missouri, has given me permission to use parts of his essay here and to respond as I deem necessary. (There is not really a state of South Missouri, but I chose not to point that out to him. For obvious reasons.)

Mr. du Potash posits: “Both of Mr. Logue’s stunning novels start out with a man on a train. This man will soon be pummeled to death by a blunt object to the head. I do hope that future books will find some combination other than a train ride and a bludgeon to introduce the heinous event. It almost appears that Mr. Logue is in league with the NRA to downplay the incidence of gun violence in this country by shifting the blame to more benign objects as weapons.”

Well, not to reveal too much or to disappoint Mr. du Potash, (I understand that the original spelling of his name was du Poutache, but he he chose to Americanize when an immigration official at the Canadian border called him Mr. Pow-take) but I must admit that the third book, which should be ready soon, also involves train travel. And yes, the unlucky commuter is then struck down by the ubiquitous blunt object. But it is not the opening of the story. I have moved it a few chapters in so that I could more skilfully develop several plot mechanisms.

Why trains and bludgeons? I try to write in historical context. In the early twentieth century train travel was quite popular and blunt instruments were commonly found laying about everywhere. Mr. du Potash would have no frame of reference to this historical feature of our society, as being an immigrant, he would not have the same appreciation for our history as do we. His family came to this country in a round about way from a long forgotten region of France called Woollen Knees, which until they were completely forgotten about were under the impression that King John still controlled their feudal estate. (They were sending men to fight the French right up until 1957.) When the east fork of the Iano tributary dried up completely, both of the permanent residents migrated to Canada where they could continue to live in the Franco-Anglo confusion to which they had become accustomed. When they lost their life savings buying ice futures and found themselves penniless, they moved to Snakeblood, South Missouri and applied for Social Security. This is when Mr. du Potash began his career as a literary critic to augment his earnings as a split-cane weaver. For whatever he reason he chose to weave cuspidors almost exclusively, and sales have not been as brisk as he had hoped.

So part of my response to Mr. du Potash is that in One Fiddle Too Many, there is a second murder which is committed by means of a gun. A small derringer concealed in a garter belt. In Swindler’s Paradise, a second murder is committed by jabbing an ice-pick into the eye. Admittedly, the ice-pick murder is part of the denouement (which he pronounced de-now-ment in his telephone interview with me) but nevertheless was a bludgeon-less murder. And, need I remind Mr. du Potash that the victim in Swindler’s Paradise had been poisoned prior to the head pummeling. I hope I’m not giving too much away if one of the very few who has not read it.

In spite of his obsession with the mode of travel and choice of weapon, Mu. du Potash gives both books very favorable reviews. Both earned four and a half pea-pods on a five pea-pod scale. When he mentioned the pea-pod scale, I understood why I could not find his podcasts anywhere on line. Apparently he is under the impression that seeding freshly tilled soil is called podcasting in this country.

At another point in his critique, he lamented the omission of a map. I have to agree that when I am reading a novel, I find a map to be an elucidating addition. Especially when the action unfolds in a specific and limited geographic space with which one may be unfamiliar. On the other hand, I have read novels without benefit of a map and have enjoyed them no less. Including a map is a challenge. First one must determine how and to whom tribute is given. I would need maps that are historically accurate, and most of those are in private collections. And people who have private collections of historical maps are usually, in my experience, shall we say, an eccentric bunch. Secondly, it creates technical issues with the actual process of printing, such as font recognition. The print process is challenging enough without this. All that being said, my third novel will most likely have a map, because it really needs one. It is tentatively titled A Deadly Reunion, and when it comes out, you will see that a map of the area is critical.

So, what do the Van Poolians of the world think? Is the train/bludgeon combo wearing thin? Is it done? Have I pummeled that head once too many times? Frankly, I think that a good bludgeoning about the head and shoulders, while no doubt an inelegant way to die, makes for a dandy murder investigation. I am an enthusiastic gun owner and gun lover. But what I don’t want the Van Poole novels to become is a bunch of technical analysis of calibers, grains of powder, and all the stuff you can find on television at any hour of the day. I want my murders to be about people. Motive. Love. Hate. Anger.

I always welcome constructive criticism from my readers, and from such high-born personages as Arnaud du Potash. It keeps me focused on my work, and that keeps me looking for new ways to entertain and inform. I will have much more from Mr. du Potash in my next posting.

Chapter 1 of “Swindler’s Paradise”

In Uncategorized, Van Poole's Corner on August 7, 2014 at 4:19 pm

Every Friday afternoon, the Suwannee Express chugged slowly out of the Jacksonville Union Depot at 3:20, spewing thick coal smoke, leaving a coat of black soot over everything in sight. This accommodated a 4:25 arrival in White Springs. Lucas Porter was aboard, just as he had been the second Friday of every month for several years. He sipped at a glass of pretty good whiskey and wondered again how soaking in ice-cold water which stinks of rotten egg could do anything for his rheumatic knees. This particular therapy had been recommended by his son-in-law, who ought to know, being a well-schooled druggist with his own line of products available at stores throughout the Southeast. It gave Lucas cause to wonder about the veracity of the medical establishment in general. Only one unanticipated aspect of the treatment kept him coming back – Colleen O’Bannon, the beautiful young Irish girl who worked as a treatment room attendant at the Sulfur Spring Spa.

Twenty-five years his junior, Colleen melted when the first thing Porter said to her was, “You’re the second most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes upon. The first, of course being my dear late wife.” Colleen suffered no shortage of fat old men in ill health flirting with her as she helped them hobble from their rooms at the hotel to the pools in the spa through which flowed the stinking, healing sulfur waters. Most of them were rich enough to be worth going after, too. The trip from the pool back to the changing room was even worse, as the old men bragged about how rejuvenated they felt from their soak and invariably sought to demonstrate their latent virility. But Porter’s sentiment was sincere; she could tell that. So she tended to him lovingly, massaging his knees and bringing him a pot of tea after his soak. She often asked him questions about his ailments, as though she were really concerned, and as though there might be some hope that the magic waters and her ministrations might help. After several visits, Porter started talking about his deceased wife, his daughter who had married and moved away, and how he was very happy with his life, had lots of friends, and even more money, but still suffered a void that could only be filled by a wife. Later that night, Colleen came to his room and filled the void. They spoke not a word all night. In the morning, she silently left. Thus was set the stage for his monthly visits for the next several years.
The Sheffield Hotel had its usual carriage there to meet him at the Suwannee River Depot. There were several luxury hotels in the town of White Springs, but the Sheffield was closest to the springs and offered special rates to patients who were visiting the Sulfur Spring Medical Spa which owned the spring house. The spring house, a three story structure built around the actual spring, had changing rooms, soaking pools and other amenities to make it easy to take advantage of the magical healing powers of the spring water. Porter checked in and was welcomed obsequiously by the general manager, Ernest, who assured him that his usual suite awaited him.
“Welcome back, Mr. Porter,” said Ernest effusively. “We are so happy to see you. You look well, sir. The treatments must be agreeing with you.”
“Well, I suppose they are. But I’ll bet that water is going to be uncomfortably cold this time of year. I can hardly see how sitting in freezing cold water can be good for you.”
“Now, now, Mr. Porter, I am sure this has been explained to you. Unlike the warm springs you will find in other places, the Sulfur Springs have long-term medical benefits more than just immediate relief from aching muscles. It’s the ‘mystery of the chemistry,’ as they say.” Although Porter had heard all this before from his son-in-law and others who swore by the therapeutic benefits of soaking in cold water, his knees still hurt. But he didn’t mind it so much as long as he was with Colleen. “Now, I see that Miss O’Bannon has prescribed a meatless meal for you tonight, which the kitchen has prepared. It will be served to you in the dining room whenever you wish, then she will see you for a pre-treatment consultation tonight at eight-thirty.” Ernest rang a bell and a young boy of about thirteen with very bad skin and worse teeth ran forward to take Lucas Porter’s bag, running on ahead to the assigned room.
Porter dropped his considerable bulk into an upholstered wing chair by the door to the balcony, and fished a nickel out of his pocket for the pitiful young fellow who carried his luggage. “Just put it there by the bed,” he barked. The boy obeyed and seemed indifferent to the nickel. Porter knew that Colleen would be along later to unpack his things and arrange them for him. For now, he was content to sit, stare out the window and think about the business he had to conduct in Tallahassee the following week. A man of his wealth and age has no reason to keep carrying on like this, helping friends build railroads, get streetcar franchises and the like. But Porter had always tried to help get good people into government and honest men into business and, to the extent possible, get them to work together. As a testament to his success, people kept coming back to him when they needed to navigate the murky halls of the state capitol. During the reconstruction and recovery years after the War of Secession, Porter managed to function as an intermediary between factions trying to control government and finance. In the quest to drive corruption out of government, civic leaders turned to creating boards of trustees for every imaginable situation. In order to have any effect, these trustees had to borrow money and have a source of revenue from which to repay the debt, so they all had to get a charter from the state legislature. Porter led delegations of concerned citizens to Tallahassee and gained a reputation among state officials as a competent leader. Though never actually elected to any office, he had controlled significant public resources by serving on the Board of Sanitary Trustees, empowered to borrow money to build sewer systems. Widow’s and orphan’s societies, Confederate Soldiers and Sailors homes, the hospital board – anything that bettered the community, Luke Porter had a hand in. He had also chaired the Jacksonville Street Rail Company, created to oversee the consolidation of the four near-bankrupt streetcar companies in Jacksonville. These things and many more, he did as a young man. Now on in years, he was still remembered by many people and treated with great respect.
He was so deep in thought about the railroad proposal he was to discuss in the coming days that Colleen came into the room without being noticed. She wanted to sneak up and surprise him, but he noticed her first, and reached an arm out and grabbed her, pulling her to him. She landed in his lap and they both laughed. “Is this how you treat your old feeble patients? Sneaking up and jumping on them?” he asked, jokingly.
“All part of the therapy,” She said as she kissed him on the forehead. “You go down to the dining room and eat the supper they’ve got fixed for you. I’ll unpack your things and we’ll go over your treatments later.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said sarcastically, as he hobbled out of the room and down the grand staircase to the lobby.
In the dining room, he was served a thick vegetable stew over rice with a small square of cornbread and a pot of tea brewed with the odiferous spring water. The dining room was beginning to fill up. Though White Springs did not attract the big winter crowds that Jacksonville did, it had long had a reputation as a place that one must visit if one is in Florida for the winter anyway. The perceived medical benefits of the waters of White Springs had made the town a destination for hypochondriacs. The Sulfur Springs Medical Spa that was attached to the Sheffield Hotel even had a medical staff of sorts. Andrew Orben, a retired Union Army doctor, had convinced rich Yankees of the curative properties of the sulfur water, using the phrase “the mystery of the chemistry.” He trained everyone affiliated with the hotel and the spa to use the phrase as often as possible. Even the driver of the carriage that picked people up at the depot said, “Come back for more of the mystery of the chemistry, eh?” And he trained young ladies as medical attendants at the spa to help the usually old and sometimes frail, but always wealthy, patients from their rooms to the private bathing quarters.
Porter finished the unexciting meal and returned to his room, and found Colleen there tending to all his things. She had taken her supper in the staff dining room, since fraternizing with the guests beyond what was necessary to help them bathe was frowned upon.
“Why was there no meat for supper?” asked Porter in a good-natured sort of grumble.
“A meatless meal now and then is no harm. Doctor Orben thinks your diet may be too high in proteins and that is contributing to your joint pain.”
“Well, a bit of ham for seasoning would not have been unkind. Now, what kind of rigors am I to be put through tomorrow?”
“Not rigorous at all. Why don’t you sleep as late as you like, and we’ll have some fresh fruit for breakfast. We’ll have your first soak at ten-thirty. After lunch, you can sit on your terrace in the warm sunshine, then another thirty-minute soak around four. But I really want you to try to bend your knees as much as possible tomorrow.” Colleen wrinkled her brow and formed her mouth into a devious smile. “Then we will continue with the other brand of treatments tomorrow night after another light meal. Two more soaks on Sunday, then you can take over and tell me what to do for a few days. I’ve never been to Tallahassee. What kind of business do you have there?”
“Trying to help a friend build a new rail-road.”
“Ooh, that sounds terribly important.” She spoke almost automatically as she continued to unpack his clothes. The staff had been trained to carry on conversations with patients even when they had no interest in the subject. “So does your friend live in Tallahassee?”
“No, child. The Florida Railroad Commission is in Tallahassee and I need to get their support or the Legislature may not let us build it.”
“It all sounds so terribly complicated, it does.”
“It is complicated, so never you mind about it. Besides, it will only take a part of Monday afternoon. You just come along and we’ll have a few days together. I have a friend with a large farmhouse out north of town. He is never there, and I keep a key to one of the servant’s cottages. Now, why torture me with all this knee-bending exercise and such and not even feed me anything worthy of comment?”
“Lucas Porter, if you live three more years, it will only be because of me and the torturous exercises I put you through. Whether you approve or not, I have fallen madly in love with you, and I intend to keep you healthy.” Colleen suddenly took a more serious tone.
“I didn’t mean to strike such a chord with you, dear. You know I love you, too. So much so that I dread exposing you to the calumny that will be heaped upon you should you make an appearance in Jacksonville on my arm. The scandal that the old widows would make of it is more than I can bear, frankly. I wish it were different, but it is not.”
“I can wait as long as it takes. I just want to make sure you are still there and healthy when I can proudly be escorted by you in public.”
“Colleen, my dear, I want that too, probably more than you. I’ve told you how I feel. But it may never be right. Regardless of what happens or when it happens, I want you to know that I am going to take care of you. That’s about all an old, rich, fat man can do, really. I want you to be able to live the way you deserve, whether it is here, or in Jacksonville or anywhere else. And I want you to know that my earthly riches are yours.”
“Now, Lucas Porter, you stop that kind of talk right now. When you are ready, you can introduce me to you friends in Jacksonville. Until then, I am quite content to look forward to the second weekend of every month to spend with you.”

Lucas Porter’s therapeutic weekends in White Springs ended on Sunday around four, when he ordinarily boarded the train back to Jacksonville. But, this time he stayed an extra night. Then on Monday morning, he and Colleen boarded the westbound Gulf & Atlantic train to Tallahassee. They arrived at the railroad depot in Tallahassee and Porter made arrangements for their luggage to be delivered to the King’s Arms Hotel. They got in an open horse-drawn carriage to be taken up a long, gentle hill, past enormous houses with wide front porches and skillfully tended gardens.
At the top of the hill was the state capitol, a massive, three-story frame structure with four hand-hewn columns across the facade. The Florida Railroad Commission occupied a small office in the back corner on the first floor of the building. He had sent a telegram ahead, arranging a meeting with his old friend Gerald Haughton, chairman of the commission. He intended to explain how his clients wanted to build a rail line to help get timber, turpentine, phosphate and other products more quickly delivered to the port of Jacksonville. The new railroad would have a very positive affect on the overall economy of the state of Florida. But it was not without risk. If he could get the railroad commission to sponsor the legislation granting a railroad charter, then the work was better than half-done.
“Gerald, certainly you can see my clients’ situation. These men are going to spend a lot of capital on very specialized rail equipment needed to haul these commodities. And then the prices of this stuff can start fluctuating wildly. The best way to protect against that is to give them the customary land grant for development and give them eminent domain to take what land they need for terminal operations and switching yards and such.”
There was silence as Haughton stared over his reading glasses across the desk at Porter.
“And I might hasten to add that these gentlemen are well-financed, community-minded folks. Very generous. They acknowledge that there are many costs of doing business, all of which they are prepared to meet before this project can go forward one bit.” After dropping as many oblique clues as possible, short of asking how much money the commissioner wanted, Porter noticed his old friend getting a strange look of nervous concern on his face.
“Your friends want a railroad, they can buy the land and take it up with the legislature. I’m in no position to offer more than that,” said the Commissioner. Porter was stunned to hear such abrupt language from his long time-friend.
“Gerald? If that is what you said to everybody wanting to build a railroad in this state, there wouldn’t be no railroads. You know how risky this business is. I thought that was the idea, that we would offer free land to men who would come in and build railroads. And I remember just a few years ago, you and me working to create this railroad commission so’s we can keep the politicians out of the business. Now, you want me to go to the legislature to charter a railroad? What kind of government has this become? Now let’s you and me talk about how beneficial this will be to the orderly growth and development of the state.”
“Luke, this ain’t the way it’s done no more. Why, they’re busting up rail combines all over the country, and trying to find the corruption that led to them getting so powerful. Just last month, a federal grand jury indicted the entire railroad commission of the state of Ohio. I don’t think we’ll be chartering any new railroads for quite a while, not in this office. Maybe if we get a new governor, things might change. Or maybe if we had some senators willing to stand for or agin’ something in Washington. You go tell your friend if he wants a railroad, take it up in the legislature. No one gets no quarter from me.”
“Gerald, did you hear everything I said? These men are going to invest their own money. They are going to take all the risk. All we have to do is reward them with a little land and I guarantee that they will develop it to the benefit of the state.”
“What good does that do me? It will be years before anything comes of this. And I will be long forgotten by then.”
“Gerald, my friends would never forget the man who helped them with the rigorous and demanding processes that good government calls for. They are willing to express their gratitude immediately.”
“I don’t see it happening, Luke. Not unless there is something else going on that makes it clear that a new railroad is needed or that the competition of a new railroad will help keep the tariffs in order.”
“What do you mean, Gerald?”
“I mean, we have put enough money into railroads. You remember when we said we would never grant two railroads within twenty-five miles of one another? Well, now we got crews bumping into each other building rail. People got too greedy, Luke. People right here in this office and upstairs in the Chambers, and in the governor’s office. It’s time for something to come along and start using up the capacity we got. You show me something like that, I’ll help you get a charter. Otherwise, go to the legislature.”
Porter left the office confused and somewhat dejected, this being the first time he had walked out of a government office without having achieved his precise objective. Having to deal with the legislature for a charter was not the end of the world. It was more expensive and unpredictable, but mostly it was just not what he expected. He and Colleen walked the two short blocks to the hotel where they would spend one night before retreating to his friend’s estate. He stopped at the Western-Union desk in the lobby and scribbled a brief telegram.
That evening, they had a sumptuous meal of roast duck with oysters, collard greens and grits, then took a walk together through the beautiful downtown parks of Tallahassee. It was a challenge for Porter’s rheumatic knees, but Colleen did what she could to alleviate his discomfort. The next day, they traveled north by coach for two hours and spent the rest of the week at what Porter called his friend’s farm. It was actually an elegant country estate, formerly a cotton plantation the structures of which were miraculously saved from defacement by the Yankees during their occupation of the South.

Sales of “One Fiddle Too Many”

In Van Poole's Corner on August 31, 2011 at 9:54 am

Sales of “One Fiddle Too Many” are going well. I will be selling and signing books at a number of locations in the coming weeks, and have placed an order that should be delivered soon so that I will have plenty to go around.

I want to thank everybody who has already bought a copy. Tell your friends how much you enjoyed reading it and maybe they will buy one too. I think the book has great appeal to people who like reading about Jacksonville when it was in its heyday of hosting northern visitors at the turn of the twentieth century. While times have changed, we still serve as a winter destination for folks from northern cities wanting a more hospitable climate for their winter months. The main difference now is that there are so many other choices.

If you have read “One Fiddle Too Many” and enjoyed it, one way of expressing yourself and providing feedback is to go and search for the title. You will find both the paperback version and the Kindle version. Click on one or the other and click the “Like” button. Then, scroll down the page toward the bottom and you will see a section called “Tag this product.” There is a little box there where you can type in a word that you think you think helps describe the book. It could be “mystery,” “historic fiction,” “violins,” or whatever word comes to mind. These two actions will help the book show up in searches whenever those key words are entered. The “like” button shows that the book has a certain popularity and this will also help it show up in searches. If anyone is really energetic, amazon provides a platform for readers to write and submit their own reviews as one reader has already done.

Thanks to all and I really hope to see you at any of these upcoming book signing events.

1. September ArtWalk, Wednesday, September 7th. Chamblin’s Uptown, 215 N. Laura Street. 5:00 PM – 8:00PM.

2. Jacksonville Historical Society Monthly Meeting. Tuesday, September 13th, Old St. Andrews, 317 A.Philip Randolph Bv. 6:30 PM

3. Riverside Arts Market Literary Day. Saturday, September 17th. 10:00AM – 4:00PM. On Riverside Avenue, under the Fuller Warren Bridge.

4. Florida Heritage Book Festival, Saturday, September 24th, Flagler College, St. Augustine, FL. (More details on this event will be available later.)

5. Affair in the Square. Thursday, October 20th, 6:00PM – 9:00PM, in front of San Marco Bookstore

Reader Review of “One Fiddle Too Many.”

In Van Poole's Corner on August 26, 2011 at 11:18 am

Customer Reviews One Fiddle Too Many

5.0 out of 5 stars Hopefully, One Fiddle Too Many Is Just the Start,August 20, 2011

This review is from: One Fiddle Too Many (Kindle Edition)

One Fiddle Too Many, by Jordan Logue, is about an interesting set of characters in an interesting time, in an interesting place. It is a refreshingly literate read with the author obviously having acquainted himself with the vocal idioms of the time and place, Jacksonville, Florida in 1901. That is not to say it is written in dialect, it merely reflects the way people talked at that point in history. True Grit is another book that does this. Lambert Van Poole navigates the maze of knowledge that leads to the solution to a murder in a persistent determined way, learning, as he goes, about violins, music and musicians. Logue gives the reader a feel for the place that is almost like walking down a real street 110 years ago with a real detective. You get drawn into the justice (and injustice) of the time, when rules were based upon a moral ethos rather than an attempt to avoid being sued. Yet the pervasiveness of political concerns is still evident as the Chief of Police and Mayor attempt to preserve Jacksonville’s status as a winter paradise in the pre-Miami Florida tourism era. An explainable murder, which is resolved and appears to be a one-time fluke based upon an individual’s greed is a much less disturbing event than a random, apparently motiveless, street murder to the city fathers in a tourist area. You get the feeling that you have an insider’s view of police procedures of the time. Lambert Van Poole should be played by Gary Cooper. He is stalwart, heroic and human. Hopefully One Fiddle Too Many is just the start of a long series of novels by Jordan Logue.


Upcoming dates for “One Fiddle Too Many”

In Van Poole's Corner on August 26, 2011 at 10:54 am

Greetings friends and neighbors and fans of Lambert Van Poole from across the globe. My first book, “One Fiddle Too Many” is selling very well. In fact I have stayed so busy keeping up with things that I have been neglecting my duties of regularly updating content here.

One set of enthusiastic Van-Poolians, as they call themselves, have been after me to publicize my schedule of book-signings.  I really had wanted to keep them quiet and hope nobody showed up, because I am running very low on ink. Not in my printer, but in my fountain pen. Call me eccentric, call me old-fashioned (or mix me an old-fashioned), but I use a fountain pen. Not a cartridge pen, a fountain pen. The kind with the lever on the side of the barrel, and you stick the nib into a bottle of ink to fill the barrel. Anyway, I am perilously low on ink. To avoid running out entirely, I was secretly hoping that no one would come my book signings and it would not be an issue. But one adoring fan sent me a bottle of blue ink so I am now back in business and can sign several thousand copies if called upon to do so.

I am however, running perilously low on actual books. (This part is not a joke!) There are signed copies available for sale at the following locations:

  • Chamblin’s Bookmine -Roosevelt Boulevard
  • Chamblin’s Uptown – 215 Laura St.
  • Lenny’s Custom Jewelry – Avondale Shopping Center
  • The Violin Shoppe – Beach & Southside Boulevard
  • The Jacksonville Historic Society, 317 A.Philip Randolph Boulevard
Now here is the schedule for signings:
  1. September ArtWalk, Wednesday, September 7th. Chamblin’s Uptown, 215 N. Laura Street. 5:00 PM – 8:00PM.
  2. Jacksonville Historical Society Monthly Meeting. Tuesday, September 13th, Old St. Andrews, 317 A.Philip Randolph Bv. 6:30 PM
  3. Riverside Arts Market Literary Day. Saturday, September 17th. 10:00AM – 4:00PM. On Riverside Avenue, under the Fuller Warren Bridge.
  4. Florida Heritage Book Festival, Saturday, September 24th, Flagler College, St. Augustine, FL. (More details on this event will be available later.)
  5. Affair in the Square. Thursday, October 20th, 6:ooPM – 9:00PM, in front of San Marco Bookstore

Come by and visit at any of these events. Copies of the book will be available for sale at all of these, depending on availability. If you have bought a copy through, bring it by and I will be happy to sign it for you. If you have bought a copy from one of the local outlets that is already signed, bring it by and I will personalize it for you.

I hope everyone is enjoying “One Fiddle Too Many.” I should have the second Lambert Van Poole mystery out by the end of this year. Working title is “A Test of Wills.”

An excerpt from One Fiddle Too Many

In Van Poole's Corner on June 27, 2011 at 12:36 pm

Here is an excerpt from Chapter One.


Benny chose to look for a yankee of the second category – a prosperous young businessman with no dependents in tow for whom he must demonstrate pack superiority. Dress nicely, greet them deferentially and help them with their bags and they are likely to be civil and give you a nickel for handling one little suitcase. Just as he had hoped, a well dressed man came out of the station. He wore a dark brown tweed suit with a red bow tie and a tightly fitting bowler hat. A perfectly trimmed triangular beard clung to his chin, while his upper lip was adorned with a neat mustache. He struggled with an odd sized suitcase. It was larger than an overnight bag that a person would carry on the train for some personal essentials and a change of clothes. It looked like a hamper, was about half the size of a steamer trunk, and formed of fabric stretched over a frame, rather than built sturdily of wood. He carried it awkwardly as the latches were near giving way, and the fabric was beginning to rip up one side of it.

“Help you with that bag, sir?” He said as he reached to take the man’s luggage. He intentionally thickened his Irish brogue, as he knew that the northern folks liked it. “And what hotel would be your choice today, sir?”

“I don’t need any help.” The man said. His unfriendly manner and his struggle with the suitcase brought Benny to regret that he picked this particular traveler, as he seemed entirely too unpleasant to part with a nickel or a dime. “But you might direct me to a modestly priced hotel,” the man said. Just then, the suitcase fell apart and spilled the man’s belongings all across the wooden sidewalk. “Oh for God’s sakes, now look what you’ve done, you idiot.” The man shouted. Benny dropped to his knees and started gathering the items before they got trampled over by the sea of people rushing past to get their fist glimpse of paradise in winter.

“I am terribly sorry, sir.” Benny had barely touched the man’s suitcase, but it seemed he was going to get the blame anyway, so he might as well clean it up and hope for a good tip.

“As you should be. Coming up here grabbing at a man’s stuff and throwing it all over the sidewalk. What kind of a place is this?” The man raised his voice and people started to slow down and stare.

As Benny was piling the stuff back into the suitcase, his eyes were drawn to what was unmistakably the scroll of a violin, peeking out from amongst the scattered clothing which formerly had been neatly packed in the now useless suitcase. As Benny reached for it, the man grabbed it and examined it quickly, but thoroughly. Satisfied that no damage had occurred, he re-wrapped it in a bundle of quilted cloth material that he had pulled from the pile.

Benny was stuffing the man’s belongings back into the tattered grip and said, “That’s no way to carry a fiddle, you know,” said Benny.

“Yes, well, it’s the only way I have of carrying it. So I’ll just thank you to mind your own business. You‘ve done enough damage as it is.” The man squatted and grabbed the suitcase away from Benny who was still on his knees. He tried to make the violin fit back into the suitcase but there was no room now because of the damaged condition of the suitcase and the willy-nilly way everything had gone back in.

“Well, it needs a stoutly built wood case or it will soon be in splinters.”

“Oh, and since you are such an expert about violins and what is good for them, here you are carrying bags at the train station.” snapped the man. He would have had no way of knowing it, but Benny indeed knew a lot about the instrument. Being both a talented fiddler and a skilled enough carpenter, making a little wooden box to fit the violin would be no challenge at all.

“All I’m saying is I could build you such a case. One you’d be proud to carry and it would do the fiddle good, too.”

The traveler was looking around nervously, exasperated that he could not fit the violin back into the suitcase. He regained his composure, smiled at Benny and said, “Well, now. That offer intrigues me. What is your name?”

“Brendan Tiernan sir. My friends call me Benny.”

“My name is Sullivan. You can call me Sully.” The man seemed embarrassed and almost apologetic about his earlier behavior. “How much would building this case cost?”

“Two dollars for the wood and the latches, two dollars for my labors.  I can have it for you in three or four days.”

“Four dollars altogether? I could probably do better at a pawn shop.”

“Suit yourself. They’re all owned by the Jews. I don’t think you could find anything among them for four dollars. But nevertheless I’ll do it for three.”

“Now you’re talking. So you can build a good stout one for three dollars?”

“Yes, indeed. I’ve built a many of ‘em, sir.” Benny told him.

“As much as this sounds like a great idea, how do I know that you won’t go right up the street and spend my money on whisky instead of building me a violin case?”

“Well, you don’t, sir, except that I can tell you I have give up drinking and pledged meself to a life of sobriety.” he announced proudly. “All I can do is promise that if you gave me a dollar up front, and let me take the measurements I need of the instrument, by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, I will deliver to your hotel a fine wooden violin case.”

“I’ll tell you what, Benny. You have convinced me that you are a trustworthy man. Here is two dollars. Take the violin with you now, and make me a case as you describe. You tell me where you live and I will come by at the appointed time with the other dollar. I’ll bring a bottle of whisky, and if I like the case that will be your bonus. If you promise to take good care of the instrument, I’ll give you another dollar bonus.”

“Now, sir, you have made a deal you’ll not regret. But no need for any whisky. As I said I give that up.”

Benny grabbed a scrap of paper from among the man’s belongings and scribbled his address on it. “This is actually a paint supply store, but round back of the building is a staircase that goes up to three rooms. I rent the last one you’ll come to.”

“Thank you, Benny. And could you recommend a good hotel? I don’t necessarily want to pay top dollar for a lot of coddling, but I would like a nice clean place.”

“Oh, Sully. To come this far south during winter without having made some arrangements is the mark of a gambling man for sure. But I think you could find room at the Anchor South Hotel. A bit starker than some of the others, but well kept.”

“Thanks, Benny. Now I’ll come round early next week. You run along and get to work, and I’ll get a cart to the hotel.”

“The Anchor doesn’t run a cart, but it’s an easy walk from here. Just two blocks down Bay Street here and it’s on the left.” Benny shouted as he turned to leave.

Benny went off down the sidewalk carrying the man’s violin, trying to keep it wrapped in remnants of the quilted cloth material in which it had been packed. He had two dollars in his pocket and the potential to earn two more. It brought back the memories of earning a dollar and fifty cents a day as a carpenter. The money was good, and the work was not terrible. It was showing up every day that was his downfall. And there always seemed to be a fiddle involved when he stopped showing up.

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