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What is Van Poole up to?

In Van Poole's Corner on February 15, 2015 at 1:53 pm

A lot of people are asking when the third Lambert Van Poole adventure will come out. It won’t be long. I have a little tidying up to do, then it goes into the editing process, in which I voluntarily ask people to demonstrate how they are so much smarter than I. It’s a little like volunteering for the dunking booth when there is no charitable beneficiary. People just really want to see you land in a tank of cold water.

But, enough of that; people want to know about Lambert, not me. Well, sometime between the second and third book, Lambert and Lily get married. I wanted it to happen between books so that I would not have to deal with it. And, Jacksonville gets a new police chief. Let’s face it, Chief Cooper was old, and even with some literary license, was not going to make it much longer. The new guy, a college educated military man, is somewhat gullible and a little out of his element. I don’t want to give away too much.

So for the third novel, we take a leap forward in time. (You see? Cooper would never have made it.) It is May, 1914, and the United Confederate Veterans are having their annual reunion in Jacksonville. This really happened, and you see a video highlights reel of it. Really. I don’t know how to do links and all that complicated stuff, but if you search for 1914 Confederate Veteran’s Reunion, you will find a video. It’s about 12 to 15 minutes long. I think you can find on the Jacksonville Historic Society website also. So Van Poole and the new chief are involved solving a murder, busting up a moonshine ring, and keeping conmen from relieving visitors to Jacksonville of all their earthly possessions. There is also a brothel, a pesky little juvenile delinquent and some civil war church looting thrown in as well.

It is hard to predict a time frame, but I would hope to have this out in the next four months or so. The working title is A Deadly Reunion. Don’t forget about One Fiddle Too Many and Swindler’s Paradise. Both books are still available at and probably at Chamblin’s Bookmine. If I were smart I would be able to put links right here so that you could buy them right from me. But, I’m not. If anybody wants to train me in how to do that, there is always the hope that I can still learn something new.